~Coyote Ridge Natural Area~

nature, centers me

absent, I would not be whole

be, in its wonder

Once a Wheat Field
Once a Wheat Field

My friend Shari and I went on a hike, this past Wednesday, in the Coyote Ridge Natural area, located between Loveland and Fort Collins, Colorado.

We hiked about four miles round trip. This area is beautiful and we had a fantastic view of the Hogbacks sitting majestically to the west!

Between two ridges
Between Two Ridges

It was a gorgeous, sunny day with blue skies and a few white puffy clouds. We had a great time. We passed and said hello to bike riders, other hikers and runners all enjoying this natural trail system.

We also encountered a few four-legged animals enjoying the area as well. 

Mule Deer
Mule Deer

This photo looks a little odd to me, as if I took the head of another deer and placed it on this deer’s body! She was standing up hill from me as I was trying to take her picture from the trail below.

"Maybe they don't see me"
“Maybe they don’t see me”

We spotted a few birds, but not many. A Black-billed Magpie riding the wind, an American Robin sitting in a pine tree singing a tune and a Northern Flicker just being a Flicker, making a lot of noise! All of which were fun to see.

Hogbacks are defined as, a ridge with steep sides formed by dipping strata. Dipping strata are stratified layers of rocks lying at an angle.

The name, Hogback, comes from the ridge resembling the high, knobby spine between the shoulders of a hog.

In most cases, the two strata that compose a hogback are different types of sedimentary rock with differing weathering rates. 

The softer rock erodes more quickly than overlying hard rock. Over time, the softer rock retreats to a point where the hard and soft rock strata are adjacent. This creates cliffs that steepen as the softer rock continues to erode. (info taken from web)

Standing on a Hogback
Standing on a Hogback
Whoa! What big ears you have!
Whoa! What big ears you have!
My Center, Nature
My Center, Nature

Bye for now!

14 thoughts on “~Coyote Ridge Natural Area~”

  1. That last picture of the deer is so cute! And you know how I love the flowers!!! I sure have missed hiking. It seems its been such along time since we were in Albuquerque. Hope to find some places to hike when we get back to Pine Mt, GA Have a great week-end!

    1. Hi Gay! Great to always hear from you! Yep, I think when you enjoy hiking and it becomes a passion, it is missed when you can’t do it. I hope you find places to go! I will have to look up Pine Mt, GA. Will you spend the winter there?

      1. No…just October. We have lots of appointments with doctors, dentists, and need new glasses plus the pups see the vets AND our youngest daughter is due to have a baby any moment! We will be busy! We plan to head to Freeport, FL for November, then who knows!

    1. Hi, what a great way to state it, as an equalizer! It is true. If I couldn’t be outside enjoying nature I would not feel balanced. Thank so much for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I didn’t know deer ears were really that big! Four miles sounds like a long hike to me, but it led to some really beautiful shots. I think you lead an incredibly wonderful lifestyle. 🙂

    1. Good Morning Cubby! These mule deer do have big ears! They are too cute with those big ears and soft brown eyes! Like the saying goes: Doe Eyes! I am glad you enjoyed these photos! Thank you! It is fun seeing photos from different areas! I wish you a joyful weekend!!

  3. What a wonderful nature hike; I so would like to do that next time we get to your area in the Coach! See you soon in FL. Yes, I’m still in W2…haven’t had much time to communicate but thinking of you. Safe travels on those new tires! hi hi
    73, K4KLD

    1. Hey there my dear friend!! I hope you are having fun being with your Mom!!! I know you have not had much time to chat, I do miss them and we will continue when you get home! We will see you and the “L” soon!! Get your dancing shoes out!! I chatted with Nancy last night and they plan to go to Orlando! Love and hugs.

      I forgot to say: when you guys come back to Loveland we can go on many, many hikes! It would be great fun! We look forward to seeing you out here again! No work, all play!! Also, looking forward to seeing you guys out west next summer/fall!!

    1. Hi LuAnn, thank you, I appreciate your kind words. We are getting ready to head out around the 27th. It would be nice to run into you guys! Where are you headed for the winter?

      1. We will be in Florida Jan through March, then heading up the eastern seaboard. Before that our plans are rather loose. How about you two?

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